Yogyakarta and Surakarta ceremony every year Grebeg 3 times, ie when Grebeg Syawal Eid feast, during the Great Grebeg Idul Adha, and Grebeg Maulud or often referred to Grebeg Sekaten the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad's warning.
Looking at history, he said, Äúgrebeg, Au comes from the word, Äúgumrebeg, Au which means loud, noisy, and crowded. This course describes the atmosphere that is Grebeg busy and hectic.
Mound also has a certain philosophical meaning. Mound of earth that contains the results (vegetables and fruit) and snacks (rengginang) is a symbol of prosperity and then distributed to the people.
In this Grebeg ceremony, mountain is called Mount Jaler (men), Mount Estri (female), and Gepak and Pawuhan.
This mound was taken by the courtiers who use colored clothing and a maroon cap and a dark blue batik berkain patterned white circle with a picture of flowers in the middle of the circle. All of these courtiers barefoot nyeker alias.
Depart from the mound to the accompaniment of Kori Kamandungan salvo fire and soldiers guarded the palace ten bregada at around 10 noon.
From Kamandungan, brought across the mountains and then headed Sitihinggil Festival on the square in the north to be placed in the mosque yard Gedhe REGOL through the door.
We set out from the palace, is the vanguard of a soldier who is often referred Wirabraja with chilli soldier brother because her clothes are typical red-red and Turi Kudhup hat shaped like a chilli.
For the record, it has Wirabraja soldier tasks as, Äúcucuking behavior, Au, aka front guard troops in every court ceremony.
Then when the handover ceremony in the courtyard mosque mountains Gedhe, soldiers guarding the Bugis a uniformed soldier in black with a distinctive hat and dressed Surakarsa soldier in white.

nice event. like it.....
datang berkunjung bro ...
nice tourisme news
thanks.. don't forget visited back....and enjoy visit indonesia 2010
Cool... Visit Indonesia.... 2010..., I'm Very Proud With Indonesia culture